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Why you should use CAD/CAM system?

Here are 10 of the top advantages to adding CAD-CAM software to your system

#1. Increase Programming Potential.


#2. Makes You More Accessible by Clients.


#3. Improved Control Over Job Programming.

#4. Machining Wizards Remove The Guesswork.

#5. Getting The Most Out of Your CNC Machine Tool.

#6. Eliminate Costly Mistakes & Waste.

#7. Powerful 3 Axis CNC Programming Operations.

#8. Multiaxis CAM Technology Makes Complex Machining Simple and Cost Effective.

#9. Turn Art Into CNC Programs & Finished Parts Easily.

#10. Seamless Integration with Popular CAD Design Products.

What is my Role?

My role is:- 

1. turn a 2d sketch into 3d model using CAD .

2. Turn the 3d model into a written programe using CAM .

3. Turn this programe into an actual product by post process i make .

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